Here's a city shot of the project I'm working on. To be released on May 1st. I started late so I can say little over two weeks is not enough for animation.
The mighty overlord of pixy stix
Joined on 5/23/12
@UTOPIA39mc @Candyrag Why? The art is good. I'm just happy, that you will release it soon.
@UTOPIA39mc @Candyrag Why? The art is good. I'm just happy, that you will release it soon.
I'll let the cat out of the bag and say it's for Pico day on May 1st. Although I didn't know and got on board until around April 4th. Also, been a crazy month full of roadblocks and didn't get to clock in as much as I wanted. I'm doing my best and hoping to get as much as I can funneled until the last minute lol. Whatever gets done will be pushed out and while that reeks of low quality, it's exciting to get on a jam and work hard in a tight deadline. It's really motivating.
@UTOPIA39mc @UTOPIA39mc And thanks man, haven't posted artwork like this in a while and keeps me at ease knowing some folk like my stuff
May the gods of animation have mercy on my soul